Last Thursday was a big day for me. I have been a bit of a worrywart about the pregnancy because of what happened before as well as being a worrier by nature. I have been pestering Candace with, "Did you feel the baby move today?" "Are you feeling OK?" "How are things? Can I get you anything?" etc etc. I feel kind of silly doing it but I feel kind of disconnected, almost jealous that she gets to feel the moving around and stuff.
The Ultrasound went smooth. Ten fingers, Ten toes... at one point (and I wish we had gotten it as one of our pictures) you could clearly see the face. Sleeping eyes, button nose, and cute little lips. It was like our baby was right there, and everything was OK. I didn't get all teary or anything, more overwhelmed with a feeling of how amazing this all was. I have wanted to be a dad for so long, and for a while I may not have been ready, but now I feel like I am. I know it isnt all roses and cutesy pie stuff... in fact it is beginning to piss me off royally when people go (usually exasperated with their own kids), "Oh just you wait!" when I smile or laugh if their kid is acting excited our out of hand. I am not laughing at them, I am happy for them. I am sure it must get exasperating, but I am not there yet and wont be for a while yet. I am smiling and laughing because I am looking forward to being a family, I admire those events and think about how cool it must be to have a family, ups downs and sideways included.
I think I saw the gender too. I cant be sure because I have sat through exactly one ultrasound but there are a couple reasons I am pretty sure I saw what I think I saw. 1) Our ultrasound was a little later (24 weeks) than most, the baby was therefore bigger and more developed that at 20 weeks.
2) I clearly saw feet, with toes and everything, the legs, the knees, the thighs and well, everything else was clear so I am pretty sure I saw what I think I saw. Everything else was crystal clear, so why not that bit right? I am not saying I absolutely definitely know, just I think I might have seen what I was hoping not to. If I am right, OK I was right but I dont care because the baby is all that matters. Boy... girl... doesnt matter. August is going to be exciting!
What a perfectly looking baby (at least for an ultrasound)!
I remember getting annoyed by peoples 'warnings', but they don't know what you are in for any more than you do, as every kid is very different.
Congrats, Andrew and Candace - such an exciting thing to see new life in such an amazing way!
In your professional opinion, would Universal Studios be worth going to if you have a one year along?
I would say no, most of the rides would be way too scary, in fact I cant think of one that Adlai might enjoy. The park itself (other than the rides) isnt much, you would be able to see it in half a day easy. One thing I really dug when we went last time was a Hollywood tour. You go see the stars homes and that kind of thing. It was a blast and Adlai might like the ride in the open top van. If you wanna give that a try just head to Mann's Chinese theater and check it out.
Maybe you could have a second career as an ultrasound tech?? Either way, congratulations! Ultrasounds are fun!
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