So I told you that this was coming, that there would be a surge towards the 300th post. And there was. I have written a crapload this week and as a result some of it is kind of crap. But here we are. The thing is I wanted to get to three hundred because I have something important to talk about. It's something I am very excited about and felt it was just perfect for a big anniversary post like this one.
So what is it? Huh Huh?
Well, I will let the Gooch tell you… only unlike Turk I am not lying.
Yep, I am going to be a daddy! We have waited a while to tell people, because we went through a tough time in May and telling too many folks made it hard to get through. My wife is due in August so we are about 3 and a half months along now. It stills feels a bit scary to share it just because you feel somehow like you might jinx it… but I am happy, we are happy, and I wanted to share that here. This blog has become a place for that sort of thing for me. A place to write down my joys and my letdowns, a place to share jokes and the things I like. As I now look into fatherhood, still somewhat detached I look forward to sharing the process with you a bit, although I might not go into to much detail.
I am still very detached from the whole thing, not sure how to feel or what I should be doing to prepare. I have been looking at young families and realizing some of the expenses that will be looming soon enough but I also cant help but notice the kids themselves, hanging out with their families and having fun being chauffeured around. I know it aint all wine and roses, but I do look forward to those moments. There are a lot of moments I look forward to.
I have a lot of friends with kids. A lot. In fact some of those kids are approaching their teens now so I have been around that for a long time. I am not old, only 34, so I don't feel like I waited, we waited too long or anything like that. I think its just that you start to find it hard to relate after a while. Its always about the kids, and by no means do I mean that in a negative way. I mean that you hear about all the amazing things these kids are doing and then when it is your turn to talk about what's up its like, "Umm… I went to the bank… that was fun… oh, and I saw this movie…" It just kind of feels like you need to have a more adventurous life to have something to say that's comparable. I am looking forward to being a parent is my point, because from the outside it looks like an amazing and rewarding experience.
I am also looking forward to being a parent with my wife. Candace is an amazing person, a wonderful and truly gifted person that I get to spend every day with. Since we've been married we joke around about team Craig, but I know that for both of us it goes way beyond joking and into something very real. My life truly would completely and totally suck without her and I know that. So this whole baby thing is really exciting mostly because I get to do that with her. We'll get to share in some pretty awesome experiences through this, although right now I feel kind of useless. I will never ever joke again I think about woman "getting to" carry the child. If there is one odd negative experience in those whole thing, it is feeling kind of left out and not sure what I am supposed to do. I mean, I want to help but what the heck can I do besides running out to the store for ice cream and stuff like that. A wise man told me this week I need to shut up and stop worrying about how I am changing and just listen to my wife. That is my job. I have taken that to heart and I feel better now about it. I was being kind of a nob about that whole thing, but… I got better! I have a bad habit of wanting to figure it all out right now, and I have a feeling I need to grow past that, and in fact as I think about it I want to grow past that.
So there it is, 300 posts and 1 big announcement… well for us anyway.
Crap, as I leaned forward to type this my baby totally puked on me so I gotta go. It's going to be awesome though! Totally worth it!
That's awesome! Such a great feeling to be through the first trimester, too.
Babies can be cheap too, you just have to try a little harder but it can be done. Plus people are super generous and will give you most of the things you need, which is awesome.
Wow! Congratulations! Sorry it took me so long to read your blog. Babies are pretty awesome!
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