I have wanted to share this for a while now, since way back before we were ready to talk about baby. In my excitement or rather in trying to keep my excitement contained I found myself surfing the web for cool baby stuff. Well, baby stuff I thought was cool... I was specifically looking for a Little Lebowski Urban Achiever onesy, couldnt find it... although I did find a Def Leppard one and a Chuck Norris one. Anyway, as I surfed I cam across something so cool I couldnt believe it actually existed.

Its a series of CDs called Babies Go... and they are amazing. Basically you take some of the world's greatest performers... Queen, Abba, Aerosmith, U2, Elton John and put them into lullaby/kiddie music form. My initial reaction was, "Oh man, this could be really good or really really bad." Turns out it was completely awesome sauce.

If you go to the website you can hear samples of the music for every track. I would recommend Guns N Roses - Sweet Child of Mine and U2's entire album. I havent heard one that I thought was a terrible rendition. They are all instrumental and use gentler sounding tones. Basically this is baby music I could totally get behind and listen to with our kid and that makes me excited.
Is this the same as the Rockabye Baby series, with a new title? Check out the rockabye baby Coldplay album. Very soothing.
I checked em out and while they are similar in idea its a different thing, which is cool because they have different ones. The babies go stuff is a little more instrumentally diverse too. I like the Rockabye Stuff too...
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