The weather has been appropriate for how I have been feeling lately about life, the universe and everything. We had fog here for a number of days, thick and heavy, the kind where you can’t see more than a couple of feet. I myself have felt foggy, introspective, disinterested in a lot of what is going on around me. One phrase I have found myself saying this week is that fog makes you feel alone in the universe. You can’t even see the next car in front of you, and for all you know you really are the only person left in the world. Fog makes me feel alone, coincidentally this is how I have felt the last couple of days.
I live and work in an environment I enjoy, with people I love. I live in a beautiful home with and even more beautiful and understanding wife. I love doing what I do, but sometimes I find it hard to be how I am really feeling. I think being a student for so long spoiled me a little bit because I have a hard time going to work when I feel down or burnt. School afforded me the luxury of a lot more free time, but also I could simply not go to class if it got bad enough and I can’t really do that anymore. I don’t think I need clinical help or anything, everyone has sad times, and I am just coming off a peak busy time (into a slightly lower peak) and I haven’t had time to put my head on straight in a while.
Life ain’t always gonna go perfect, in fact there are entire years of my life that could have gone a lot better in certain areas. I think that’s really the key, at no point in our lives is absolutely everything messed up and seldom are we truly without any reason, however small, to be thankful for family, friends, life, work, whatever. I just think that sometimes the bad stuff distracts me, sometimes because it has been there for a while, sometimes because it demands to be noticed.
The fog lifted a today, and now it’s raining, it has been dreary for a long time now and that’ll take its toll on anyone, the whole office has been somewhat drear lately. I miss those crisp fall Alberta mornings, when rain comes and goes and doesn’t get socked in like it does here. However, that being said I have much to be thankful for. I have a family I love (on both sides) and appreciate more and more, and true friends that always seem to know what to say. One stands out more than the others and that is my wife.
Folks, I can’t even begin to tell you what a miracle my wife is. God has blessed her out the yin yang, wherever that is, and she is so amazing she takes my breath away. She has been without a job since we got here and has held up so well considering. It’s hard to feel like God isn’t filling you in on His plan for you and yet she manages to be strong and persistent and on top of that she takes care of me. She is kind, caring, considerate, patient, and so many other things. I say this because she has been my sunshine on these dreary days, and even though sometimes clouds may come along in our relationship the sun is never far behind. I am a man truly blessed.

you didn't mention a good cook...she's good..
I thought my figure spoke volumes on that count hehe.
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