First snowfall of the year baby! WOOOOO! I just wish it was sticking a bit better. I am feeling so Christmassy these last couple of days, I am such a slave to the church year. Advent 1 rolls around and BANG! I start humming Christmas tunes, I am thinking about happy things (I have no idea what a sugar plum is but who wouldn't want one, I mean, it's called a SUGAR plum! Unless they give you the runs in which case nooooo thanks.) I am listening to Christmas tunes exclusively now and yesterday I went to the folks place and decorated the tree and watched Muppet Family Christmas. I look forward to nights of drinking hot chocolate, hearty beers that drink like a meal, and a warming single malt scotch (I love scotch... scotchy scotch scotch) before I head to bed for a long winter's nap. And don't even get me started on the food!!! I may electrocute myself from all the drooling I am doing right now... :)

I love the feeling of expectation this time of year brings, and I feel like a little kid again! One thing I am not sure about is that CBS is running a newly remastered version of claymation Rudolph on Wednesday and I have always thought its obvious age was a good thing. I like the washed out colors and stuff, it makes me feel like a little kid again. I don't need my Rudolph in HD thanks very much. Gimme old Rudy the vaguely-red-but-more-pink-now-that-the-original-print-is-faded nosed reindeer. I really hope they don't do that with Charlie Brown.

"Of all the Charlie Brown's in this world, you're the Charlie Browniest" That is awesome!!! I want to be the Andrew Craigiest, what about you? Do you want to be the youiest you out there? All thanks to an awesome Christmas special.
It's so nice to be in Abbotford right now.
I woke up to my roomate screaming, "It happened, Sharon! IT'S SNOWING!!!... I wonder if classes are cancelled?" Of course, the last part wasn't screamed...
Classes were in fact NOT cancelled, but led to the extreme difficulty of getting TO class without someone snowballing you. Do guys ever grow up?
But yes, it's very snowy here... A winter wonderland.
Who wants digitally remastered memories? I'll stick with the good old movies thanks!
In grade three...I got to be Sally, Charlie Brown's sister, and I got to read my Christmas list(the one from the movie) on the microphone in front of the whole school and all our parents and grandparents. I have it on tape...it's awesome!
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