Friday, October 13, 2006

Smallville not in Kansas anymore...

Rarely do I address TV show stuff on this blog, particularly shows I watch but I seriously have to vent. If you don’t watch Smallville you may as well change the channel here but if you do allow me to get upset for a moment.
On last night’s episode, Lana made the decision to sleep with Lex and the show took one step further to becoming Smallville 90210. I questioned the decision to have her sleep with Clark last season, especially since up until that point they had managed to keep the plot points sex free, not that I need it sex free, it’s just that they didn’t have to go there. There is so much else to do in the universe that sex seems like sort of a petty thing to focus on in that particular universe. It serves the story perfectly fine to simply have them dating and never really answer that question. And then last night Lana goes and makes a choice that totally defies her character. She spent months debating whether or not to sleep with Clark, and now she jumps into bed with Lex when they have barely been together, it makes no sense, and comes totally out of left field! I cried out in a loud voice of frustration and disbelief when that happened. Seriously, we get it, they are adults and can make adult choices! Are we going to have Lana struggling with heroin addiction next? It has me even further believing they are going to kill her off before series end and make her the reason Lex and Clark are mortal enemies, which is completely stupid. Doesn’t it seem kind of… umm… weird that both Clark and Lex have slept with her? Does that really seem like a comic book universe story or more like something that would happen on the OC or One Tree Hill, not on a show about young freaking Superman.
And then to top it off, it looks like Lois is becoming the Justice League prostitute. She had a fling with Aquaman, and now has set her sights on Oliver Queen (Green Arrow), whom I hope keeps his trick arrow to himself over the course of his story arc. There is something odd about knowing the future, knowing that Lois ends up with Clark, and then knowing she has a thing for costumed types. I can see it now, a new day dawns at JLA HQ and Batman and Superman are having a conversation.

“Have you seen Lois?”

“Is she yours this week? I can never remember…”

“Actually I think its Flash’s week”

“Yeah, but he’s always done early anyway… I was hoping I could y’know ‘borrow’ her.”

“True, he never really was a distance runner (ba dum bum bum)”

It comes across as just that weird. It bugs me! Fine, I get it, this is a different continuity and I am OK with that, but seriously Gough and Millar you are treading on dangerous ground and I am wondering if you have any respect for these icons. I don’t mind if you change some stuff in service of the story but seriously what is with all the sex and teenage romance? You had three seasons with them in high school to do that. Knock it off already. Thus endeth the rant.

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