Friday, September 01, 2006

Zion goes Hollywood...

OK, so they are filming a movie here today. "Hot Rod" with Andy Samberg, Ilsa Fischer (sp.) and some other folks. So far I have gotten to say "Hi" to Andy, saw Ilsa (eat a cracker woman!) and watch them rehearse a scene. I am going to go back to watch them film it. They built a movie theater projection booth in our gymnasium, and our exterior is being used as a hospital in a later sequence. I guess they are filming here until into the wee hours or something. Kind of cool actually. The crew have been really friendly, even helpful, I am hoping to have a chance to talk to a few passers-by about our church. Kind of an exciting day actually.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looking forward to reading your tribute for the 2,996 Project!