I have decided to coin a new word in honor of those total fools who think owning a truck makes them impervious to danger in inclement weather.
To the faceless nimrod I witnessed yesterday. Sir. Do you normally drive your vehicle in the emergency lane when the weather is good. I am sorry the rest of us were moving so slowly and concerned about one another's safety, we were clearly not thinking about the rest of us who own trucks with lifts kits so high and tires so large that those whom you pass are filled with panic because they have apparently driven into a monster truck rally and are now in the midst of Gravedigger vs. Bigfoot II. Seriously you shold own stock in rubber commodities with all of the money you've invested. When it snows, driving your truck like that should require you to have a handicapped sticker hanging off the rear-view (or perhaps the axle because then us lowly "car" driving people could see it) although I suspect those stickers are not for those with mental handicaps. On a day when there are more accidents than normal and I personally saw an ambulance struggling to get through traffic minutes earlier you are driving your oversized phallus down the emergency lane in an effort to show just how awesome your vehicle is!?! The only thing awesome thing I saw was the colossal ass behind the wheel, wait that is an insult to hard working mules everywhere, the greatest boob (that wont work either)... You sir are a TRUCK-TARD, and will be forever and a day...
too funny ~ i feel like this every time i drive! people who get road rage as easily as me should not be allowed to drive. i guess that's why they call me road rage robin. what should we call you?
Crazy-eyes Craig? Armageddon Andrew? (nah sounds too wrestlerish) Anguished Andrew?... maybe that'll work.
thats hawt!!
Lol, you should deffinatly not move back to Lloyd then. So many Riggers and so baddly planned roads. It screams rage. Good thing there can be such things a car jams since all its so small.
so bad. trucks should be band from all pple except those that live on a farm or need to haul things like boats, trailers and such.
Love it. I think we should make it our mission to write the phrase "truck-tard" often enough that the people at the Canadian Oxford Dictionary will notice it and include it in their next edition. They do things like that, and this is a killer term!
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