The thing is I kind of thought this would be a place where I could put those random thoughts that make me laugh and actually get them down on paper, and I haven't had anything to say in like two weeks, so what does that tell you! It isn't like I am mad or anything, it's just hard to laugh when you have deadlines looming.
This week however, has been great. The people I have talked to have been awesome. The stories I have seen and heard have been awesome, it's all good.
I am totally digging comics right now, but not just any comics, DC Comics babay! Infinite Crisis is here and I am glad I was reading it at home because I giggled like a schoolgirl at Backstreet Boys concert (back when that wasnt creepy) when I saw the last page. Most of you probably aren't aware of this but the Superman who is seen on the front of Action comics #1, original 1938 Superman is not the Superman you have been reading for the last 20 years, but now he's back at it is totally wicked.

He is back because he is going to show the heroes like Superman (current continuity) Batman, Wonder Woman, and everybody what being a hero is really about.
If you want more info read this:
This may make zero sense to you, but contributed hugely to a nostalgic week full of fond memories of being a kid running to the store for the latest new issue of a book. What I think is so awesome is that you be a world renowned astrophysicist and this article would make no sense to you but I understand every word. It makes me feel like I am not alone in the universe in my overall nerdery. I haven't geeked out this bad in a long time and I am loving it.
The other huge thing this week was a totally amazing episode of Smallville. I have never done this before but I feel I must. Gotta get the voice right, just the right amount of inflection....
Best... episode... ever!!!
It was so beyond cool I can hardly describe it. Last night Superman was born, and they had this whole cool death and rebirth motif that had my theological mind working like crazy..... soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good.
So basically it has been a good week for stories, stories that make me feel good and hopeful. I have discovered lately that I am moving into a more romantic period of my life, and I don't mean rose-in-my-teeth, stars in my eyes romantic. I mean that I want to see the hope in the world, I yearn to see a return to times when people weren't worried about so many things and apparently looking to the future with a sense of dread. Between gas prices and world tragedies it is hard to look at the future with a sense of awe and wonder.
Personally I want to see what is down the road and smile, and the only reason I can is because I know God has it worked out. I could be terrified but then when isn't there opportunities to be terrified in life. The romantic poets wrote in a time when industry was becoming a dominant force that was changing the landscape and the way people worked and looked at the world. They wrote about the importance of each blade of grass, the importance of listening to what the God created world was telling us. We can get caught up in the cars, the buildings, the rush and yet the trees still stand, the winds still blow, and the birds still go about their business. God created us to worship Him, but also He created us with Hope and we need to look for that hope in the world.
In terms of telling stories today in TV, movies, comics, novels, whatever, I don't need heroes with flaws, I don't want them to be like me. I want heroes I can look up to, I want people that inspire me. We have become so self centred that our icons need to be knocked down a peg, that they need to be dragged through the mud backwards because they aren't like us and because that makes them unrealistic. I don't want realistic right now, I am tired of realistic. I want idealistic, I want to know that there is hope that is outside of our own views and our own truth. I don't want to fantasize about the horrors of what people can do to each other when I can see how they can help one another. I want them to be just and to show people how to be just, I want them to be humble and inspire awe.
If you feel like things are going wrong, if you feel like you don't know what tomorrow brings, find a heroic tale and be inspired. Some that spring to mind:
Superman, Smallville (not for his powers, but for his strength and integrity)
Simon Birch (every life has a purpose)
Spider-man (great power, great responsibility)
The Fraggles (cast your cares away, worries for another day)
MacGuyver (the ultimate make the best of a bad situation guy)
Xander from Buffy (the guy is funny, and always looks for the humor in a tough spot)
Horatio Cain (a voracious sense of justice and seeks to help to weak)
Brent from Corner gas (life is funny, and he works to make it funnier)
Jack Burton from Big Trouble in Little China (not that bright but would die for his friends)
Ron Weasley (he's the man and doesn't know it)
Mole from Wind in the Willows (meek and mild but loves his friends and his life)
Arthur Dent from Hitchhiker's Guide (the universe is mental and he takes it in stride)
Those are just a few of the ones I can think of, I know they are all dudes (hey that's another one, the Dude from Lebowski) but I am a dude too so that's why. I am sure you have your own heroes, if you are feeling a little worked over by life, the universe and everything maybe you should visit them.
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