So for the last couple of weeks I have been debating the purpose of this blog. I have been unable or unwilling to update lately and yet it nags at the back of my brain that I really should.
For whatever reason babies and blogs seem to be somewhat incompatible. I know a few folks who have quit when their kids came along and I cant says that I blame them thats for sure. It used to be that this blog was an important feature in my week, a creative outlet and a chance to make observations about whatever I felt and I do think I need to return to it. I dont wanto forfeit it because it has meaning for me. I think I would be disappointed in myself if I quit because for me this represents something I have never done... journaling. I like being able to go back through and read older posts, whether they are funny, inane, or some attempt at wisdom. I like having that record around.
I guess I am struggling though with the notion of feeling bound to it rather than doing it because I want to right now. There are a lot of things like that in life. Sometimes family and friends are difficult to stick with and yet we should stick with them, we should acknowledge that we are bound to them. Household chores need to be done, sometimes I enjoy it, sometimes I am bound to doing them... how is this blog any different. So I guess I am asking you to stick with me as I go through a period of being bound to my blog and hopefully you'll stick with me as I try to yet again find the joy and pride that can come from keeping a journal.
1 comment:
I know in the 3 and 1/2 years I have my blog there have been some dry spells (although I certainly cannot comment on fatherhood), and I remind myself that it isn't an obligation. So if you have nothing to post, than I say don't! And then all of a sudden some day, you will have something to say, I am sure. And we will all still be here, waiting!
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