Tuesday, June 02, 2009

This is why change is a bad thing

For the first time in a long time I went to a different theater with Candace to see a movie. Why? Well, I bought a Bug's Life on Blu-Ray and it came with movie money to see Up! and it only worked at certain theaters. The closest was in Surrey and I was kind of excited because even though I have never been there I know they have a pretzel place in the theater and I have a secret love affair with pretzels. This dream was soon to be shattered as well.

Usually we go to the Colossus in Langley, its just easier and a nice theater. The service there is sometimes iffy but never in the bad category. I will be going there from now on...

We arrive at the theater 15 minutes before the show. As we approach the till I can see that what was advertised as being not in 3D (Candace has issues with 3D) is indeed in 3D. Candace agrees to go anyway so I hand over my coupon and the trouble begins. The girl stairs at it blankly as though I have perhaps handed her a wild Gibbon, and then looks at my and speaks into a little microphone in her shoulder (well, on her shoulder. I was tempted to embed it in her shoulder when all was said and done) as she doesnt know what to do with the Gibb... er... coupon. Finally she get some help, but before she helps us she starts helps other people who have just sauntered up to the counter without waiting in line or being courteous enough to wait their turn (it was some kind of promo thing). She does this 3 times. To make matters worse a girl comes and opens the till next to her and proceeds to let 4 families through while we are still waiting for her to figure this out. I should have brought a Gibbon, at least it could have figured out the coupon. After 8 minutes (literally) we get our ticket and I am now thoroughly annoyed. But the pretzels were waiting so things were looking up...

"It'll take five minutes"... "Why dont you have any made"... (proudly)"We make them to order"... (in head)"You are attempting to save money, when all you are doing is making customers frustrated." *sigh*.... (out loud) "I will have a Parmesan pretzel please"

At least it will be hot and fresh. It will be good I am sure. Turns out it was hot and fresh. So fresh it wasnt cooked in the middle and I am pretty sure that rather than an awesome chewy pretzel I was eating Pizza dough in the shape of a pretzel (the place sold pizza too). By this point I was getting pretty ticked.

Candace stood at the New York Fries booth. A guy saw her and rather than helping his customer scurried away as though maybe she hadnt seen him. He returned finally and when she ordered an apple juice, which was in the fridge right beside him, he wandered off to another area to get a juice from there. Apparently they work so hard there they have to pee in apple juice bottles and store them in the fridge... grrr.

Finally... after all this we get into the theater and I know all will be right with the world because we are seeing a Pixar film and Pixar is awesome. Plus there is a new short before the film and I loooove the Pixar shorts, both of us do. I am excited. What's past is past. Everything will be OK. Plus it ended up being in 3D, which is cool. There was a preview for G-Force, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and couple of others, and then we are treated to that trademark Pixar animation.... ooh it looks like the short starts with an old Movietone newsreel... wait that looks like the main character from Up. Oh you have got to be kidding me... they didnt. I know about the new short. Ryan got to see the new short the other day and said it was great... they couldnt have... the credits roll for Up and I am seething. The movie was incredible despite all the lead up. I did however realize how much the theater experience itself enhances the viewing of a movie. I will never again go to that theater, movie coupon or not. Unless they hire some Gibbons to up the service, then I may consider it.

1 comment:

kinneyland said...

I hate disappointing movie theatre experiences. Good thing you have a safe fall-back theatre.

And now I want a soft pretzel...