Today I go to the Manor, Zion Park Manor. I havent been there since before Christmas as it wasnt my turn and then they had the Norwalk virus. I actually enjoy going there, we sing songs for a 1/2 hour and do a devotion together. I have found that older people will forget almost everything in life except for the songs they learned as a kid. Some will be meeting me again for the first time for the 30 time and yet they know all the words to "In The Garden". This has helped me realize the necessity of knowing these songs so that when I get old and forgetful I will have them to cling to. Those songs are full of promise and hope and they make you feel good to sing them.
I also get to visit a lady who is the oldest in our congregation, I'll have to tell you about her sometime as she is totally awesome!
In a class once we saw a video of a lady with Alzheimer's who could remember much of anything. One day as a form of pet therapy they brought in a llama and she started singing the Irish national anthem. She didn't remember she grew up in Ireland but something triggered in her mind and shew was able to know all the words to a song that was deep with in her.
Fascinating; what a powerful medium
That's cool, I wonder what it was about the Llama that triggered her?
At the Manor there is a lady who I am told used to be an opera singer and now is very frail and non-communicative and yet every time there was a pause in the sing this very clear note would ring out from her as it was time for her aria!
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