Thursday, February 05, 2009

25 Random things (from Facebook)

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, fact, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it' because I want to know more about you.

To do this, copy and paste these instructions first because you will need to "paste" into your list for explanation for the tag-ees. Click on your name at the top of the page and then click "notes". When that opens, click on "+Write a New Note". Paste the info you copied into the body and then write your 25 random things. Then click on "tag people" and select 25 Facebook friends. Type the first name and it appears. When finished, scroll down to the left-hand corner and click "preview" to check yourself... when satisfied, click on "publish". Voilaaa!

  1. As much as I love TV and movies I cant help but feel like sometimes it is like a thirst to know more useless knowledge that serves no real purpose. It feels like a circular problem, I love to know more about shows and stuff than others, but no one cares that I know it, and still I thirst for more.
  2. I am a spoiler hound in pretty much every area of life. If I could know my presents early I would, if a person has a secret that would be better waiting, I want to know now! At first I thought it was just with pop culture stuff, but this has been ingrained in me a loooong time.
  3. I enjoy listening to the Rifftrax versions of movies more than just watching the movies by themselves. This is true of every rifftrax I have watched thus far.
  4. I have an ego, and it's a pretty big one but I have learned to keep it in check over the years for the most part. Occasionally I am a pompous ass though, and God sorts me out pretty quick on that front.
  5. I am a cat person, and after trying to own a dog for a week I realized how true this is. I think dogs are cute and wonderful but cats have the right amount of misanthropy that I like. I like that cats get grumpy, it makes them seem more "peoply" if that makes sense.
  6. I collect animation, I do this because I hate the idea of my kids growing up with a lot of the terrible animation that is out now. I cant wait to watch it with them.
  7. I have picked up the habit of talking to much about the things I know about. Someone will ask me how a book was that I read and while I will not spoil it, I will talk about the authors other works or similar books or whatever until I realize I have been talking just too damn long.
  8. I don't miss alcohol as much as I thought. I quit drinking even socially because I always felt weird (like allergic reaction weird) after even a beer. As a result, I feel better and don't really miss it. I will still have some port or scotch occasionally though.
  9. I quit drinking pop too. I drink carbonated water when I go to restaurants. Turns out I like the fizz more than anything. Plus I can feel hoity toity if I get to order a Perrier or San Pelligrino.
  10. More than anything I love to make people laugh, it makes me feel good to do that. I like the challenge of meeting someone new and cracking them up, especially if they are a bit of a hard nut with humor.
  11. I hate it when I cant figure out how to make a person laugh, it drives me crazy and secretly I want to tell them they are dead inside. Notice my ego coming in here as there is simply no way that I am not funny ;).
  12. I wish I was more well read. I love books by Dickens, Twain, and all the classics that I have read but so often I turn to Stephen King when I want to read and the idea of reading a classic feels like work, the irony of being an English geek in school I guess.
  13. I have caught myself wondering what has become of kids these days more often than I would care to admit. I swore I would never do that because I hated that attitude and yet here I am doing it. I don't think kids these days are bad or anything, I just wonder about the decisions they have to make and why they make them a certain way.
  14. I am a huge extrovert but lament the fact that I have to spend so much of that extroversion on people I work with. I want to spend more time with friends and yet when I get home from visits and stuff sometimes I just cant even think about even talking to someone on the phone. Thankfully my wife is always the exception.
  15. I used to be crazy afraid of all things death. I hated funerals and doing hospital visits. I hated that occasional feeling you get as a Pastor that you are the last person to see someone alive. Now things have changed. There is so much wisdom and peace in people who have accepted the whole idea of death that I think it has rubbed off on me. I don't look forward to doing funerals mind you, but when they come up I appreciate the chance to provide comfort and reflect on what an amazing thing life is.
  16. I love to play video games but constantly feel like I am stuck in the amateur phase of playing, there is no way I could make a living at it.
  17. I collect things. When I was a kid it was rocks, then comics, then well… it became apparent that if there is a set of something I want all of them. This has gotten expensive at times and I have therefore been more careful to choose wisely what I collect.
  18. I love hair metal more than any other kind of music. I know its cheesy, I know it sucks, I just love music that doesn't always have to be saying something. Did they write it to say something? I hope not because it just doesn't. It is my sincere hope that Sister Christian was not written to explore the bands deepest philosophies on things for example and yet it is a kick ass song.
  19. I secretly want to be Don Draper from Mad Men because he is the coolest freaking guy on the planet. Minus the womanizing part though.
  20. I love Superman. This is not because of his powers, it is the notion of a man with the powers of a God choosing to serve people instead of dominating them. I admire his integrity and his view of the sanctity of human life and consider them to be the most important traits of a true hero.
  21. I wish I knew why Stanley Kubrick is so highly revered in the film industry because I have seen pretty much all his movies and none of them strike as particularly more or less amazing than any other director. To me he was average at best. Making movies that seem artistic, that no one understands seems to get you a reputation as an auteur in film. Well, I am calling Emperor's New Clothes on that one.
  22. I love peanut butter so much I eat it straight up off a spoon sometimes.
  23. You should probably decline peanut butter at my house because sometimes I double dip.
  24. I have a brain like a sieve when it comes to remembering important things. I have a day planner but forget to bring it with me sometimes.
  25. I have a fish tank in my office. I put it there. I kind of hate it but cant stand the idea of killing the fish to empty it out and get rid of it. Plus the thought of emptying the tank and figuring out where to put it when I no longer use it makes me feel like its easier to keep it. I DO like watching them sometimes.

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