When exactly did Heroes start to suck... a lot? I feel like it completely snuck up on me. I got behind a couple of episodes behind (which may have been a signal right there) and it just hit me last night how let down I feel by this whole thing. It is hard for me to put a finger on it, but if I had to sum it up I just dont friggin care anymore. Where is the emotional impact, where is the big reveals and the feeling we are heading somewhere with this story. As convoluted as Lost got in its second season you still got the impression that you should try to bear with it, try to keep going. I feel like I now officially have to watch Heroes because I like comics. THAT'S IT!
Part of it is that I read an article about Heroes that mentioned a couple of things I had completely forgotten. Does anyone else remember that Peter left his Irish girlfriend in the future? The crazy ass dystopic future where things are scary and the last we saw of her she was being carted off and thrown into quarantine? Anyone? What about Micah, who at least got a nod this season but has been so written out they actually made his mom (Ali Larter) a completely different character! And his cousin that had that totally cool photographic reflex power (she could see someone do something like Kung Fu and then repeat it) GONE! Adam Munroe who they spent so much time setting up last season as a very important figure shows up just long enough to GET KILLED! Basically if you watched season 2 it feels like the writers are not only telling you it didnt count but they are also spitting in your face. Why invest in a character or a show if there is no respect for them in the writing room? Top it off with firing Jeph Loeb and his partner off the show and you have a complete mess. Thankfully Pushing Daisies got cancelled (if you liked it I apologize) and its creator can go back to writing Heroes. Here's hoping the next arc "Fugitives" is at least decent. There is no way a show with this cool a concept should suck.
On a similar and brief note, Smallville this season has been incredible. For a comic book fan like myself its a total geekfest but I also think it is genuinely good TV.
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