Friday, December 01, 2006

Finally a reason to chew off my own arm...

How’s this for an obscure subject to review… shampoo. That’s right I am about to review shampoo… but not just any shampoo… American Shampoo… and Body Wash. Those of you who are still here are asking yourselves… why? Well I will tell you why because said shampoo is the best thing ever.
Candace and I have been traveling to the States more lately for as variety of reasons, the last was to get away for the weekend. On that trip we stopped at Bellis fair so that she could get another bottle of the shampoo and conditioner she had gotten from Bath and Bodyworks in Illinois. She has a hard time finding good shampoo so we went. I was trying to be aloof about the whole thing but secretly I like going into those stores because they always smell nice. Next to taste, I love my sense of smell the most. I have found over the years that I have a sensitive snoot and can pick scents out where no one else could, which is kind of cool. So a place like Body Shop is cool if they have some good stuff in there.
Candace found here shampoo and as we were heading up to the till we noticed they had a selection of Christmas bath stuff. One that caught my eye was called “Gingerbread Spice”. It sounded good, I smelled it and I was sold. So we picked up a bottle and took it and our other purchases home.
Some may love to be Zestfully clean, the scent open your eyes after all. Some prefer to smell like an Irish Spring, which makes me wonder what is in the water in Ireland. My Grandfather was an Old Spice man, and I was too for a while. Now? Well now I am a… uh… Gingerbread man. Does it sound girly? To be honest I’m not sure who this product is meant to be aimed at. I know the whole sugar and spice and everything nice thing… but seriously if a woman sat down next to you and smelled like a gingerbread house, would you be excited or hungry? (or both!?!) It may seem at first glance that this a women’s product but why? It is a product that smells like food! Not only that it smells like Christmas baking! In the morning when I am having my shower I can be brought to life by the smell of fresh Christmas baking! Who wouldn’t like that? Who of you can stand there and say, “I would hate to smell fresh baked goods first thing in the morning”? Short of the time intensive labors of actually making fresh Christmas baking every single morning this is the next best thing. I swear… STOP JUDGING ME! What was that… what happened... I feel flushed for some reason. OK, take a breath… affirm your masculinity… “Hey how about that local sports team, they really put it to that… other… sports team the other night didn’t they. I really don’t remember because I was busy building a set of shelves from scratch while tuning my car’s engine for better performance, managed to get another 30 horses out of it too and so on.” * AHEM * OK so as far as the cleaning power of said shampoo goes it works great, and it is a body wash as well so it takes up less space on the shelf. All in all I would highly recommend this product for cleanliness and weight loss because you can’t eat the stuff… no sir… you’ll be farting bubbles for a week… don’t ask me how I know that. STOP JUDGING ME! * sob *


Anonymous said...

Interesting review, Andrew... Just one question. Are you a metrosexual? - Mike

A J Craig said...

I've said it before I will say it again, I never had relations with that Metro

Anonymous said...

"Does it sound girly?"

Most definitely...then again, I go with Vanilla every day myself, of course, I AM a girl...