It’s funny how wimpy we seem down here about the snow after living in Alberta all that time. Is this more snow than we got there? No. Is it colder? Well, today especially it is getting there, but still. Over 40 minutes of yesterday’s evening news was dedicated to the weather. Which brings me to my other observance, not only are we wimpy down here, we are stupid. “I own a big truck with 4 wheel drive. That means I can drive the same way as I usually do and leave these puny cars in the dust!” [Insert sound of truck sliding into an embankment and giving BCAA a ton of business.] The news was full of shots of idiots in big trucks doing stupid things which made me smile because my experience with a lot of those people is they are overly full of themselves and their trucks anyways.

I have been much more reflective lately about growing up/getting older and I found myself yesterday fondly remembering the one or two snow days we had when I was a kid. Down here on the coast snow days are very few and far between, they are something to be treasured for sure. Most of the kids were out of school, although the superintendent of my wife’s district in her infinite wisdom felt it would be a great idea to keep the kids in school even though every other district was out. I would like to personally thank her for unnecessarily endangering my wife and many other children and teachers yesterday. I realize that my wife is very capable driver, it’s everyone else on the road I am worried about. That aside, I found myself pining for those snow days of old, that feeling of being given a bonus extra day to go outside and play or stay indoors and hang out. That feeling is exhilarating and it made me glad to know that kids everywhere were feeling that little bit of freedom for a day. It made for an awesome day off to say the least. Plus the white is wonderful, it makes everything look so clean and crisp.
I will update with pictures when the camera is handy.
1 comment:
I'm not a child, thank you very much.
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