Thursday, April 13, 2006


You Are an Iced Coffee

At your best, you are: hyper, modern, and athletic

At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty

You drink coffee when: you're out with friends

Your caffeine addiction level: medium

Athletic!?!?!... Ahem.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA... seriously... *tear* HAHAHAHAHA... Need to stop laughing... love handles hurt... and so does my left arm, now it's radiating towards my... oh crap I gotta go...

1 comment:

C-Train said...

I don't have mine posted on my blog, but I am an Espresso. I regretfully agree...

At your best, you are: straight shooting, ambitious, and energetic

At your worst, you are: anxious and high strung

You drink coffee when: anytime you're not sleeping

Your caffeine addiction level: high