Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Confession #11

I wish fabulous secret powers would be revealed to me every time I held aloft my magic sword...


Anonymous said...

DUDE!!! flippin sweet! I grew up on He-Man. I had a He-Man birthday cake, He-Man action figures, He-Man VHS tapes, and even He-Man underwear! (If only they were to fit more comfortably, I wouldn't lose the blood circulation to my legs every day.

Thanks for the nostaligic moment. I think I'm going to dream good, testosterone-driven dreams! And I was trying forever to remember Orco's name!

the hammer said...

WICKED!!!!!!!! I had everything from Castle Greyskull to Snake Mountain to the wicked awesome bone carrier!! I love He-man! And Battle Cat was the bomb. So wicked!
j ><>