Friday, December 30, 2005

Plane crazy

Well, I am back from a trip to little ol Grande Prairie Alberta and what a sweet trip it was too! It involved sleep, watching TV, eating an insane amount of food, watching movies, cards, and just generally hangin out with the fam. Pretty relaxed atmosphere really. I gotta say I enjoyed a lot of the traditions Candace's family have once again. Christmas pudding with hard sauce(I know hard sauce sounds like a paradox but it tastes totally amazing!)and cream, Lefse with butter and sugar, Flatbread, wine, beer, Coke(I got a new 2006 Coke day planner for myself too:)). All in all it was a good trip, I wish there were more stories to tell but it wasn't like that and I loved it.
I guess I have one story from the trip home. When we went to the airport we went through check-in and everything and as we were waiting for security I got paged. A little puzzled I went to the counter (had they found my stash of highly illegal drugs!?!? hehe) and the lady there introduces me to another woman who looks kind of distraught. She proceeds to tell me that her husband is in Vancouver and forgot his passport in Grande Prairie and she wanted to know if I could take it to him. I was slightly hesitant, not because I didn't want to do it, more because I didn't want to fail at my task and end up with some stranger's passport (although he did vaguely look like me.... oh man that could've been sweet... d'oh).
Anyhoo, we were flying Air Canada, who I now have a hard time thinking of fondly because they put my wife and I through a little bit of hell on our trip. I say a little bit because I know other people have been screwed over waaaaaay worse than us. It involved missing a flight connection in Calgary and being 're-booked' (translation: you are now flying standby at Christmas time even though you paid full bloody price for your ticket, thanks for flying Air Canada moron!) us on a flight an hour later that was then itself delayed because they were shuffling people from other flights.
We were sitting at the terminal, and Air Canada is being decidedly quiet, the ticket lady sort of looking like she many important things to do. I went and explained the passport thing and she did her best to look like she gave a crap. This guy was going to be waiting for his passport and she informed me the best they could do is leave a message in a computer file and hope that someone read it (Please note she has a phone sitting right there.) So they finally load us onto the plane, although Candace and I we starting to get worried because there are just a crapload of people waiting for the same plane. Turns out if the plane had been full we would have been out of luck (re-booked my butt).
The flight was pretty good, I had a single serving friend who was heading to film school so we geeked out for a while and talked about what makes a good movie, all kinds of stuff, that part was kind of fun…
We get off the plane and head for the arrivals area. I have the passport in hand and look for the guy with the “Craig” sign (which I notice he spelled wrong *sigh* it’s 5 LETTERS) and he is looking a little sad. I give it to him and he tells us he has now missed his flight to Korea and has to wait a couple of days for the next one, no doubt at his own expense because he forgot the thing. From what he said no one told him what had happened with the delays and everything, he was just standing there hoping beyond hope that he would get his passport back. He wasn’t overly gracious about it, but then I am not sure I would be either. I didn’t take it personally, in my mind Air freakin Canada should pay for it.
And here’s the kicker, not 20 steps away from the arrivals area is the AIR CANADA baggage desk, and there are two guys standing there looking sharp as a bag of wet mice and about as busy, and right there at the desk is a shiny black TELEPHONE!

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